Botox For Headaches
Botox for Headaches (Tension Headaches)
Please note that this page informs you of how Botox works and that prior to administration a consultation would be required with the clinician to determine suitability. We will discuss treatment options that will encompass the problems and specific areas of concern that you may have. Botox may not be the most appropriate treatment for the concerns that you may have and this will be discussed in depth at the consultation stage.
Tension headaches that are not effectively treated by painkillers are sometimes made worse by over-medicating. They are commonly caused by hyperactive forehead muscles especially the frown area, between the eyebrows.
Many people also suffer with headaches due to driving into the sun and squinting and sometimes by looking at computer screens for too many hours in the day. Hence, our Headache Clinic provides one of the best recommended treatment (Botox injections) for tension headaches that aren’t responding to painkillers at very competitive rates.
The ideal candidates for Botox treatment of head pain are realistic in their expectations. Though studies have shown that treatment with Botox is successful at reducing or eliminating headache pain for many patients, results are not typical for all patients.
Most individuals who opt for treatment of headaches with Botox are often chronic sufferers whose lives have begun to be negatively impacted by the pain.
How do I prepare for Botox treatment
Do nothing differently. Just go about your day to day activities as normal. Your skin will be cleaned at the time of the procedure so try not to use any products or cosmetics.
How does Botox work on headaches
Botox, when used for treating headaches is thought to work by removing the trigger mechanisms that cause the problem in the first place. By eliminating the focus of the headaches, the frequency and intensity of the headaches is greatly reduced and symptomatic relief is achieved in almost all cases.
How many Botox treatment sessions will I need
Botox works within a few days but can take as long as 14-21 days for the full paralysing effects to show through. Botox injections are not permanent, so we recommend repeat treatments at 3-6 monthly intervals to maintain the effects. To treat headaches with botox, in particular it must be remembered that, some individuals have very specific focal points and these may require treating every 3 months exactly.
Thousands of these treatments are performed every year, with astonishing results – noticeable from 2-14 days afterwards and lasting several months.
Are there side effects of Botox
The pain associated with injections is mild and no local anaesthetic is required. The needles used are very fine and approximately the same diameter as coarse human hair.
You will be able to drive and engage in all of your usual daily activities immediately after your injections. You may develop slight bruising at the injection sites, but otherwise there will be no visible signs of your skincare treatment.” ”>
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