Dermaskin Reports Upswing in Cardiff Botox Market
We are specialists in safe non-surgical treatments to enhance your natural beauty.
All the treatments offered are carried out by professionals trained specifically in the procedures offered.
“In Cardiff, we have seen a steady rise in our client base, with all demographics represented. The general public is well aware of the various cosmetic uses of Botox, but knowledge of the various other applications of Botulinum Toxin is only now increasing. We are treating many more people suffering wth excessive sweating and tension headaches these days.” Says Dr. Sid Gautam of (
He added that, “On any given day thousands of Botox procedures are carried out by hundreds of professional cosmetic doctors and nurses across the United Kingdom. There is a definite risk associated with rogue and non-medical individuals, even though they represent only a minority of Botulinum injections in the UK. I would urge the public to check their doctor’s credentials and also discourage visiting non-medics.”
Speaking on the move, Dr. Sid Gautam said, “Botox is certainly a very powerful medication and should be treated as such. It should not be administered by unqualified providers and patients should ensure there is appropriate medical backup. I urge people to make the right choices and choose only the best medical practitioners available. (
About Dermaskin Clinics
Dermaskin Clinic medical staff consist of only fully qualified medical doctors and specialist dentists all of whom are regulated by the General Medical and Dental Councils. They have, between them, over 31 years of clinical experience as well as being fully authorised Cosmetic and Aesthetic trainers.
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