Botox For Jaw Reduction Newport
We are specialists in safe non-surgical treatments to enhance your natural beauty. All the treatments offered are carried out by professionals trained specifically in the procedures offered.
Botox for Jaw Reduction in Newport
(From £250) – This treatment is gaining popularity for its effectiveness and the minimally invasive nature of the procedure. Botox for the jawline has been found to be able to reduce the size of the jaw muscles after even one treatment. People who have asymmetrical jaw muscles (masseters) can also benefit from treatment.
The botox reduces the bulk of the muscle in the same way that it prevents frowning in the forehead – we strategically inject the botox into the belly of the jaw (masseter) muscle avoiding any blood vessels or major structures.
The effect is noticeable after the first set of injections and some patients opt to continue and reduce the muscle bulk further by having a sequential set of botox injections spaced 3-6 months apart.
How do I prepare for Botox For Jaw Reduction treatment
Do nothing differently. Just go about your day to day activities as normal. Your skin will be cleaned at the time of the procedure so try not to use any products or cosmetics.
How does Botox work
This revolutionary anti-ageing treatment, commonly known as Botox (BOtulinum TOXin), but approved for cosmetic use under the brand name, Vistabel, is the most popular such treatment in the world, prescribed by doctors to eliminate wrinkles in the upper third of the face. This includes forehead lines, frown lines between the eyebrows and crows’ feet around the eyes. Very fine needles are used so there is no scarring and you can resume your usual activities immediately after treatment.
How many Botox treatment sessions will I need
Botox works within a few days but can take as long as 14-21 days for the full paralysing effects to show through. Botox anti-wrinkle injections are not permanent, so we recommend repeat treatments at 3-6 monthly intervals to maintain the effects.
Thousands of these treatments are performed every year, with astonishing results – noticeable from 2-14 days afterwards and lasting several months.
Are there side effects of Botox For Jaw Reduction
The pain associated with injections is mild and no local anaesthetic is required. The needles used are very fine and approximately the same diameter as coarse human hair.
You will be able to drive and engage in all of your usual daily activities immediately after your injections. You may develop slight bruising at the injection sites, but otherwise there will be no visible signs of your skincare treatment.
List of Terms:
Masseter – The jaw muscle that is responsibly for the function of chewing and the up and down motion of the jaw whilst talking. The masseters form the bulk of the muscle seen in square jaws. Square jaws in women can look slightly more masculine depending on the actual angle of the jaw versus the cheek. Botox for the jawline can correct this by reducing the size of the muscle and thereby reducing the angle to the gold standard feminine jawline angle.
Botox – A neurotoxin produced under strict sterile laboratory conditions, used for the treatment of jawline reduction.
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